Technical Program
(Final Version)
Wednesday 19
Keynote Speech
"Future pervasive environments based on biocommunications"
Imrich Chlamtac, CREATE-NET, Italy
Session 1
Applications, Services and Data dissemination
Performance Evaluation of Service Discovery Architectures for On Demand Ad Hoc Networks
Paal Engelstad
Context Awareness for Impromptu Collaboration in MANETs
Dario Bottazzi, Antonio Corradi, Rebecca Montanari
UDDI in Mobile Ad Hoc Network
Piergiorgio Cremonese, Veronica Vanni
Fast Distributed Algorithm for Convergecastin Ad Hoc Geometric Radio Networks
Alex Kesselman, Dariusz Kowalski
Cooperative Downloading for Vehicular Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
Alok Nandan, Shirshanka Das, Giovanni Pau, Medy Sanadidi, Mario Gerla
Thursday 20
Session 2
Architectures and protocols
Ant Agents for Hybrid Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Frederick Ducatelle, Gianni Di Caro, Luca Maria Gambardella
Massive: An Emulation Environment for Mobile Ad hoc Networks
Michael Lauer
Multipath Associativity Based Routing
Patrick McCarthy, Dan Grigoras
Abbreviated Dynamic Source Routing: Source Routing with Non-Unique Network Identifiers
Miguel A. Ortuño, Vicente Matellán, Luis Rodero, Gregorio Robles
Pervasive wireless grid architecture
S. H. Srinivasan
Secure Multipath Routing for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Panayiotis Kotzanikolaou, Rosa Mavropodi, Christos Douligeris
Coffee Break
Session 3
Energy and Power management
Gibraltar: Application and Network Aware Adaptive Power Management for IEEE 802.11
Rajesh Banginwar, Eugene Gorbatov
Dynamic Power Management in Wireless Sensor Networks: An Application-driven Approach
Antonio Loureiro, Rodrigo Passos
Energy-Optimal Online Algorithms for Broadcasting in Wireless Networks
Shay Kutten, Hirotaka Ono, David Peleg, Kunihiko Sadakane, Masafumi Yamashita
Using the energy map to disseminate data
Antonio Loureiro, Max Machado
Broadcasting in Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks
Franc¸ois Ingelrest ,David Simplot-Ryl, Ivan Stojmenovic
Coffee Break
Session 4
Socio-economic aspects
Commercial Wireless Sensor Networks: Technical and Business Issues
Vassileios Tsetsos, George Alyfantis, Tilemahos Hasiotis, Odysseas Sekkas, Stathes Hadjiefthymiades
The Simplicity project: improving ease of use and personalization of ICT services
Nicola Blefari Melazzi
Rural/Remote Wi-Fi Wireless Broadband System
Wahab Almuhtadi
Session 5
Analysis through simulation and experimental evaluation – Ad hoc
Experiments of some performance issues with IEEE 802.11b in ad hoc networks
Claude Chaudet, Dominique Dhoutaut, Isabelle Guerin Lassous
SAMPLE: Statistical Network Link Modelling in an On-Demand Probabilistic Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Networks
Jim Dowling
The Pulse Protocol: Mobile Ad hoc Network Performance Evaluation
Baruch Awerbuch, David Holmer, Herbert Rubens
Common Gateway Architecture for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks
Marcin Michalak, Torsten Braun
WONS Panel
Is Autonomic Communication the future paradigm of networking?
Panel Organizer: Enrico Gregori – IIT CNR
Panelists: Battiti Roberto, Christophe Diot, Ioannis Stavrakakis, Christian Tschudin
Social Diner
Friday 21
Session 6
Localization and Mobility
WiSwitch: Seamless Handover between Multi-Provider Networks
Silvia Giordano, Davide Lenzarini, Salvatore Vanini, Alessandro Puiatti
A Partition Prediction Algorithm for Service Replication in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Abdelouahid Derhab, Nadjib Badache, Abdelmadjid Bouabdellah
Merit of Adaptability to Mobile User Parameters in IP Paging
Hung T. Do, Yoshikuni Onozato
Fast Handoff process for Mobile MPLS Micro Mobility protocol in Next Generation Wireless Access Networks
Rami Langar, Gwendal Le Grand, Samir Tohmé
Multi-Home Region Location Service for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: An Adaptive Demand-driven Approach
Boon-Chong Seet
Session 7
Analysis through simulation and experimental evaluation – Ad hoc
Building a Better Wireless Mousetrap: Need for More Realism in Simulations
Matthias Wellens, Marina Petrova, Janne Riihijärvi, Petri Mähönen
Distributed Contention Control in Heterogeneous $802.11b$ WLANs
Raffaele Bruno, Marco Conti, Enrico Gregori
Frequency allocation for WLANs using graph colouring techniques
Janne Riihijärvi, Marina Petrova, Petri Mähönen
Closing – best papers award