Welcome to WONS 2005

The Second Annual Conference on

Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services

The international forum for discussions between researchers, practitioners and students on "wireless on demand" networks, systems and services. The meeting will take place in the famous winter resort of St. Moritz, in Switzerland. This place is synonymous with quality and elegance. The magnificent landscape of the Swiss alps and the fascinating culture of the Engadine valley provide an inspiring background for this conference.

The schedule of the meeting will consist of presentations in the morning and in the afternoon/evening. A pause after lunch will allow social activities and informal interaction among the participants.

Important dates:

Full Paper Due Monday, August 2, 2004
Notification of Acceptance Monday, September 29, 2004
Camera Ready Due Monday, October 18, 2004

Accepted papers are planned to be published by IEEE COMputer SOCiety and will be accessible through IEEE Xplore.